TIC + COVID-19 – Le télétravail et ses frontières

TIC + COVID-19 – Le télétravail et ses frontières

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Références et lectures complémentaires

Population & Sociétés

Le travail et ses aménagements : ce que la pandémie de covid-19 a changé pour les Français

Anne Lambert*, Joanie Cayouette-Remblière*, Élie Guéraut* ,**, Guillaume Le Roux*, Catherine Bonvalet*, Violaine Girard*,***, Laetitia Langlois*

B. Business Impact
Challenges for Tomorrow’s Management- ESCP Impact Paper No. 2020-27-FR

Quand le travail à distance réinterroge le travail : leçons managériales issues de la crise du covid-19

Emmanuelle Léon – ESCP Business School, Directrice Scientifique de la chaire Reinventing Work

Herin, M. (2001), “Managing Telework: Perspectives from Human Resource Management and Work Psychology”, Personnel Review, Vol. 30 No. 5, pp. 602-607.

» Consulter le chapitre 7 ici : Daniel et al. Managing telework

The International Journal of Human Resource Management – 2016

Organizational culture and work–life integration: A barrier to employees’ respite?

Annie Foucreault, Ariane Ollier-Malaterre & Julie Ménard (2016): Organizational culture and work–life integration: A barrier to employees’ respite?, The International Journal of Human Resource Management

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology – 2018

Stress in remote work: two studies testing the Demand-Control-Person model

Sara Jansen Perry, Cristina Rubino & Emily M. Hunter (2018) Stress in remote work: two studies testing the Demand-Control-Person model, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27:5, 577-593, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2018.1487402

New Technology, Work and Employment – 2009

Predicting teleworker success: an exploration of personality, motivational, situational, and job characteristics

Thomas A. O’Neill, Laura A. Hambley,Nathan S. Greidanus, Rhiannon MacDonnell and Theresa J.B. Kline

Télécharger l’article ici : ONeil et al. Predicting teleworkers success

Academy of Management Review 2019, Vol. 44, No. 1, 172–193


Université du Québec à Montréal

Télécharger l’article ici: Bourdeau Ollier-Malaterre Houlfort_Not all work-life policies are equal_AMR 2019


Annual Review of Sociology

Technology, Work, and Family: Digital Cultural Capital and Boundary Management

Ariane Ollier-Malaterre,1 Jerry A. Jacobs,2 and Nancy P. Rothbard3

1Organisation and Human Resources Department, School of Management, Université du
Québec À Montréal, Montréal, Québec H3C4R2, Canada; email: ollier.ariane@uqam.ca
2Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA;
email: jjacobs@sas.upenn.edu
3Department of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19104, USA; email: nrothbard@wharton.upenn.edu

Télécharger l’article ici: Ollier-Malaterre Jacobs Rothbard Technology work and family ARS 2019

Computers in Human Behavior Volume 98, September 2019, Pages 11-19

Breaking out from constant connectivity: Agentic regulation of smartphone use

Marcello Russoa,b,∗ , Ariane Ollier-Malaterrec, Gabriele Morandina

a Department of Management, University of Bologna, Bologna Business School, Via Capo di Lucca, 3440126 Bologna, Italy
b KEDGE Business School Talence, France
c School of Management, University of Quebec in Montreal 315, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Local R-3490 Montréal, Québec, H2X 3X2, Canada

Télécharger l’article ici : Russo Ollier-Malaterre Morandin Breaking out from Connectivity_Smartphones CHB 2019

IJMR – June 2001

The statuts of research on teleworking  and an agenda for future research

Yehuda Baruch

Télécharger l’article ici : Baruch Status on teleworking IJMR 2001

Strategic HR Review 15(3):106-111 · June 2016

Strategies for successful telework: How effective employees manage work/home boundaries

T. Alexandra Beauregard, Birkbeck, University of London Kelly Basile, University of Greenwich

Human Relations

Institutional explanations for managers’ attitudes towards telehomeworking

Pascale Peters and Stefan Heusinkveld

Human Relations 2010 63: 107 originally published online 3 December 2009

DOI: 10.1177/0018726709336025

Télécharger l’article ici : https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0018726709336025

The Conversation – Mardi 25 mars 2020

Petit guide de survie en télétravail subi

Réseau Gobalwatch.com

Comment adapter le télétravail pour préserver le bien-être des travailleurs

Charalampous, M., Sharpe, K. (2019).  Interprétation scientifique Global-Watch disponible sur www.global-watch.com

The Conversation – March 24, 2020

La Covid-19 force le télétravail. Une étude lève le voile sur ses risques cachés

The Conversation – March 24, 2020

La Covid-19 force le télétravail. Une étude lève le voile sur ses risques cachés

The Conversation – June 4, 2020

Télétravail : le confinement a recentré le management sur l’essentiel